Beyond IID in Information Theory 12 was held at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from July 29 to August 2, 2024.

We are looking forward to an in-person conference, and reserve online talks only for special circumstances. Please contact the local organizers at with inquiries.

Scope of the conference
The Beyond IID in Information Theory workshop, the twelth in a series that started in 2013 in Cambridge, brings together specialists and students of classical and quantum Shannon theory, cryptography, mathematical physics, thermodynamics, etc., in the hope to foster collaboration in this exciting field. Participation is open to all.
The topics covered under “Beyond IID” include but are not limited to the following:
- Finite block length coding
- Second, third and fourth order analysis
- Strong converses
- Quantum Shannon theory
- Cryptography and quantum cryptography
- New information tasks
- One-shot information theory and unstructured channels
- Information spectrum method
- Entropy inequalities
- Non-standard entropies (e.g. Rényi entropies, min-entropy, …)
- Matrix analysis
- Thermodynamics
- Generalized resource theories
- Physics of information
Previous conferences
- Beyond IID 5, Singapore, 2017
We are grateful for support from our sponsors: